Posted on January 9th, 2023
Founder of Radical Recruit
I was introduced to Emma Freivogel by a mutual friend and started following her Linkedin content. I was immediately drawn to her because of her unapologetic passion and conviction in revolutionising recruitment and her commitment to creating serious change. Emma is founder of Radical Recruit, a London-based not for profit recruitment consultancy that exists to excite, agitate and shake things up in the recruitment industry!
If you love this episode, you're going to want to follow Emma on Linkedin where she is active in exciting, agitating and shaking things up big-time!
Radical Recruit represents the UKs most diverse ‘hidden’ talent, helps employers do recruitment better and creates real and lasting social change. Here are Emma’s own words on why she started Radical Recruit...
‘I began Radical because I believe it is time to boldly and unapologetically challenge the status quo. It is time to redress the imbalance of opportunity afforded to those labelled; ‘care leaver’, ‘disabled’, ‘gang member’, ‘black’, ‘uneducated’, ‘inexperienced’, ‘homeless’, ‘criminal’, or generally, just ‘not ‘good enough’. It is time to call out businesses who talk a big game when it comes to their commitment to equality but whose policies fail to translate into practice. I am RADICAL."
Emma has brought together a community of likeminded people from disparate backgrounds, to champion the business and ethical case for change to the way businesses source, recruit, and develop hidden talent. Founded in October 2019, Radical has placed hundreds of Radicals into jobs that they love. During this time, they’ve also worked with hundreds of brands: helping them reimagine their traditional candidate attraction and engagement methods, run fairer more equitable recruitment processes, recruit Radical people, and support them to flourish in their chosen careers.
Here are some of the themes our interview covers:
Emma shares her journey and the powerful origin story behind Radical Recruit
She explains the benefits of a diverse workforce and some of the challenges in big business’ approach to diversity
Emma’s view on the three key events that have changed attitudes to diversity in UK businesses
She shares Radical Recruit’s role in the “Everybody In” campaign, funded by the GLA (Greater London Authority) and addressing homelessness during the pandemic
Emma shares the broad value that her organisation offers across recruitment, social value, diversity, social responsibility and ESG
The impact of the pandemic on ordinary people’s desire to help others who are in need of help
The cost to taxpayers of homeless people and the benefits of providing them with support
On setting up Radicals for success and the ultimate value to Radicals of the work they do
Radical Recruit’s move into advisory and consultancy, assessing the efficacy of an organisation’s attraction, engagement, recruitment, onboarding development processes; with a focus on capacity building
Anti-bias and leadership the Radical way
Her ultimate vision for Radical Recruit
Connect with Emma